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It all began with a simple wildflower, sprouting from a crack in the pavement. Then once I stopped and paid attention, I started to see more and wanted to know more. Flowers give rise to a deep connection between my body and heart. My desire to deepen the understanding of flowers beyond displaying them in a vase has moved me to embark on this journey with the powerful magic of flowers. This journey is to study and use flowers as medicine. To express their meanings, folklore and health benefits beyond their beauty. To incorporate them into celebrations, workshops, hikes and your home. To ultimately understand and share with you the meaning of flowers to set an intention with and to heal.

Alyson Brown, Flower Alchemist, and Proprietress of Wild Folk Flower Apothecary. 


Alyson is the author of The Flower-Infused Cocktail and is the founder of Wild Folk Flower Apothecary. She founded Wild Folk in 2017 out of a desire to share her love of flowers with the world. She began to infuse different flowers into the things around her. That meant everything from the flowers she brought home from the flower shop to the tea that she drank, baths she took, skincare she used, the food she ate, and of course, the cocktails that she made. Pretty soon, the idea of writing a cocktail book was born. The Flower-Infused Cocktail is Alyson's first book, published with Folk Publishing, August 2021. 


Alyson has hosted workshops teaching diy methods to craft botanical creations infused with the symbolic resonance of flowers, worked locally with The Central Oregon Wildflower show to collect and identify wildflowers and sells her creations nation-wide. 


The Flower-Infused Cocktail: Flowers with a Twist


Infusing the taste of over 60 different edible flowers, weaving folklore with flavor. The Flower-Infused Cocktail: Flowers with a Twist is the flower-lover's favorite book, with a fresh take on traditional mixology, infusing the taste of over 60 different edible flowers with history and folklore.

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